Tag Archives: Annapolis

Kadey-Krogen Yachts Open House, Annapolis, MD — Oct. 4-5, 2013

On Oct. 3 we flew to Washington, DC, where we rented an automobile and drove to Annapolis.  In years past Krogen has been one of the participants in the Annapolis Motor Boat Show; this year they decided to instead throw a concurrent Open House at a nearby dock in the back creek at Port Annapolis Marina, thereby increasing the number of vessels they could display.  In conjunction with the open house, Krogen asked three owners to present seminars on Friday and Saturday.   Michael Samway presented on “Cruising the Great Loop”, Barb and I on “Cruising the Caribbean — Five Years and Counting” and Maria and Roberto Rosa on “Novice Boaters to Confident Cruisers”.

Our Caribbean talks were well received; there were a number of folks in the audience who have been following our blog, including Kevin Caldwell & Jess Howard, Krogen wanna-be’s who we joined for dinner on Saturday night at Middleton’s Tavern in downtown Annapolis.

In addition to chatting with seminar attendees and our fellow presenters, we enjoyed seeing the owners of the Krogens on display and some of the principals of the Kadey-Krogen Yacht company, including Larry Polster, Tom Button, John Gear and Laura Kanzer.  Great fun!