Tag Archives: Valle

Morvik Hytte — August 2, 2013

On August 2, the Brunborgs and Shipleys drove up to the Morvik hytte, which is near the municipality of Valle.  Shortly after our arrival we were treated to a snack of pancakes prepared on an outdoor grill that was supported by a tripod.  We had two interesting walks during our stay:  one along a small river near the hytte, and another to the edge of a precipitous chasm that hosts a dramatic waterfall.

The walk to the river went through boggy land that supports flowers and blue berries and cloud berries.  The river itself has water so fresh that it is the temporary source of water for the hytte until such time as the underway creation of a well is completed.  On our way to the river we passed widely-spaced marked sites for additional hytte; the Morviks are one of first to build in the beautiful area.

Our other walk took us across a highway, and then to the unmarked beginning of a trail that led to the upper lip of a deep valley.  We circled around a branch and found ourselves looking across at a beautiful waterfall.  On our side, the wall fell essentially straight down, so the view of the area was spectacular.  Some of the hikers were a little nervous, perhaps heightened by the existence of a deep crevasse running parallel to and some meters away from the edge.  One day, some day, that whole lip will fall hundreds of meters down the cliff.  At one point the crevasse opened up enough for Rasmus to climb down into it and attempt to gauge its extent.  In other parts of the world, there would be a paved path to the area, and an admission gate and fee for such an awesome attraction.  Here, there isn’t even a sign; just a small path that indicates that at least a few people know of its existence.  I love Norway!

Later that day we had a great meal that featured roasted pork and boiled potatoes and broccoli and cauliflower and carrots and a delicious gravy.  And then a very special treat: multer og krem (cloud berries and cream) for dessert. To read about multer, click here.

The hytte has plenty of places for sleeping; the Brunborgs and Shipleys spent the night as guests and then had another bountiful Norwegian breakfast before heading off to the next hytte.  It had been a great visit with a couple that at first, years ago, we had thought of as friends of our friends the Brunborgs, but that we have since learned to think of as, simply, our friends.

To learn about our experience at the next hytte, see our next post.